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lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

Nåstrond - Toteslaut (1995)

Nåstrond - Toteslaut (1995)

Náströnd (Old Icelandic for "Shore of Corpses") is a Hall described in both the Poetic and the Prose Edda. Its walls are said to be made of woven snakes.

The band was formed with the name Trident.

1. Xolotl 00:46  instrumental
2. En sång från en pestbesmittad grav 04:45
3. Lord of the Woods 06:14
4. Akhkharu (The Grave Dweller) 03:55
5. Neuntoter (Yo soy el roy!) 05:14
6. May the Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again 07:09
7. A Black Hearse Clad in Human Bones and Skulls 03:26
8. Jai Ma Kali 04:14
9. Gravestench 03:12
10. Toteslaut 01:31
     Total time

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