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Norwegian Black Metal

Kvist - For kunsten maa vi evig vike (1996)

Kvist means "twig" in Norwegian.

- For kunsten maa vi evig vike: "We must always yield to the art".
- Forbannet være jorden jeg går på: "Cursed be the ground I walk upon" (or "Cursed be the earth I walk upon").
- Stupet: "The Precipice".
- Svartedal: "Black Valley" (in the sense of "a valley called Black Valley").
- Min lekam er meg blott en byrde: "My body is my burden".
- Vettenetter: "Wights' nights".

The lyrics for this album have never been released.

Track 2 is misspelled in the original release, possibly by error. The correct spelling ("være", as above) is used on the Peaceville 2013 LP.

1. Ars Manifestia 05:15 
2. Forbannet vaere jorden jeg går på 05:51  
3. Stupet 07:02  
4. Svartedal 03:41  
5. Min lekam er meg blott en byrde 09:58  
6. Vettenetter 06:03  
    Total Time


Troll - Trollstorm over Nidingjuv (1995) DEMO 

Formed in 1992 by Nagash who was 14 years old at the time.
All music and poetry 1992-1995.

"This creation is eternally dedicated to Metalion, Culto and Nagash
Soppens Venner - 5th November 1995".

1. Når natten endelig er her         
2. Trollstorm over Nidingjuv 03:49
3. Over daudens kolde mark 03:39
    Total time


Strid - End of life (1993) DEMO

Strid means "Battle" in Norwegian. The band later became noted as a pioneer of depressive black metal, with "End of Life" regarded as the earliest recording of the style. 
Recorded (but not released) while the band was named Battle.

1.End of Life     11:12

Strid - Strid (1994) EP 

Track 1: "It Is Whispered amid the Black Winds"
Track 2: "Nightwandering"

Side A
1.Det hviskes blant sorte vinder    06:15 
Side B
   Total Time13:52 


Helheim - Jormundgand (1995)

H'grimnir is the contraction of Hrimgrimnir and V'gandr is the one of Vanargandr (full names are used on "Av norrøn ætt" and older releases).

Lindheim and Thorbjørn joined Helheim in 1999 for the "Terrorveldet" EP.

According to the Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda and late Heathen Skaldic poetry, Hel  is both the abode of the dead and a female goddess. She guards that realm and is the daughter of Loki. In some Scandinavian languages, that realm is sometimes named as Helheim

1.Jormundgand   07:47  
2.Vigrids vård08:14  
3.Nidr ok Nordr liggr Helvegr 04:28  instrumental
4.Gravlagt i Eljudne08:45  
5.Svart visdom09:06  
7.Nattravnens tokt05:10  
   Total Time49:11 


Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (1997)

The opening to "Ye Entrancemperium" was written by Euronymous (Mayhem).

The cover art is an illustration by Doré.

During the early writing period of this album (before Trym Torson joined), the band was rehearsing with a session drummer who went by the name of Mefisto.

Also released on picture LP by Candlelight Records.

1. Alsvartr (The Oath) 04:18
2. Ye Entrancemperium 05:15
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 04:30
4. Ensorcelled by Khaos 06:39
5. The Loss and Curse of Reverence   06:10
6. The Acclamation of Bonds 05:54
7. With Strength I Burn 08:17
8. The Wanderer 02:55   instrumental
    Total time:


Wongraven - Fjelltronen (1995)

Wongraven is the side project of Satyr from Satyricon. The music is keyboard-based with a medieval atmosphere.
Inside cover photo "The Shadow of Wongraven" was taken by Elin Chr. Larsen. Illustrations by Theodor Kittelsen. Design by Wongraven and Nofagem.

"Over ødemark" was composed by Ihsahn exclusively for Wongraven (certain sections in cooperation with Wongraven).

Lyrics and titles by Wongraven, quotes from Theodor Kittelsen and Den sorte bog.

The final bell of no hope was sampled from Darkthrone's "Crossing the Triangle of Flames".

1. Det var en gang et menneske 16:33 
2. Over ødemark 03:12   instrumental
3. Opp under fjellet toner en sang    01:24   instrumental
4. Tiden er en stenlagt grav 08:07   instrumental
5. Fra fjelltronen 03:21  
   Total time



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